
Monday, February 17, 2014

Blogs in the early childhood classroom

This is not my first time creating and using a blog. In college, one of my courses required me to create a blog to talk about the observations I witnessed in my science mentor's classroom. We would have to post once a week on an observation of a lesson we saw our mentor's teach and the affect this lesson had on us as future teachers. The blog was public, but we were only required to share them with our professor and classmates. Also, in my undergraduate studies, we discussed the purpose and benefits of using blogs in the classroom. Now, I was a dual degree major with early childhood and elementary education and my elementary education courses were the ones where we discussed the use of blogs. Since, I have little knowledge of how a blog can be used in the early childhood classroom (as I teach Kindergarten), I will be using this blog assignment to discover and learn different ways teachers can incorporate blogs in a K-2 classroom. I hope to learn a lot from this blog assignment!